Multi-Year Grants

This is a preview of the Multi-Year Grants form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


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Applicants: please note

Before completing this application form, you should have read the program guidelines below: 

  1. Multi-year grants are awarded every three years and are valid for a three-year period. These grants are available to non-profit organisations and charitable trusts that operate and provide a service to the general public of the Whakatane District rateable area.
  2. Priority will be given to groups within the Whakatane District rateable area with a high volunteer base, and groups that provide a community service for the residents of the Whakatāne District.
  3. No retrospective funding applications will be considered for any items or activities that have already started.
  4. All applications must be on the prescribed Smarty Grants form. Support is available for applicants needing assistance to complete the form. Please contact to organise this support.
  5. Partially completed applications will not be considered.
  6. Organisations applying for a multi-year grant will be eligible for a three-year period, for assistance with ongoing expenses. Successful organisations will not be eligible for a further multi-year grant for a period of three years after the conclusion of that initial three years except at Council’s discretion or in exceptional circumstances on application. For example, if an organisation is successful in 2024, their grant will take them through to 2027.
  7. The applicant organisation must be able to show how it will achieve more sustainable funding options in their application for a multi-year grant.
  8. Organisations that have a head office outside of Whakatāne, but that serve the district, may be considered at the discretion of the Community Funding Committee. Those organisations must be able to show how they contribute to the Whakatāne District and give evidence of community activities.
  9. Please refer to the Whakatane District Council Community Grants and Funding Policy (adopted 2023) Community Grants and Funding Policy

Examples of applications that will be considered for funding include applications for:

  • Insurance costs
  • Travel/fuel for specific activity
  • Training or conference attendance
  • Workshop development
  • Overhead costs
  • Building lease costs
  • Security service
  • Purchase of books in braille
  • Stationery or the purchase of a laptop
  • Promotion activities.
  1. All successful applicants are required to complete a Project Accountability form, at the conclusion of each year within the three-year period and an overview of sustainable funding provided at the end of that three-year successful grant period.

Incomplete applications and/or applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

This section of the application form is designed to help you, and us, understand if you are eligible for this grant. It is important that you complete these questions before any others to ensure you do not waste your time applying for an unsuitable grant.

If you have any questions in regards to these eligibility criteria, please contact the Community Funding Advisor on 07 306 0500 or email: .


If you do contact us throughout the application process, please quote the application number below.

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Confirmation of Eligibility

Before proceeding, please confirm the following:

  • you have read and understood the programme guidelines 
  • you are able to demonstrate alignment between your project and the aims of this programme
  • your organisation is a not-for-profit organisation or a charitable trust 
  • your organisation is incorporated, or is auspiced by an incorporated organisation for the purposes of this application
  • your organisation supplies services to the community within the Whakatāne District Council rateable area 
  • your organisation is able to demonstrate financial viability 
  • your organisation does not owe any reports or money to the Whakatāne District Council as a result of previous funding or grants
  • your organisation's primary purpose is not that of profit generation and your organisation does not promote religious ministry, or political purposes, or activities where the main purpose is to promote religious, ethical, commercial, or political views of an organisation
You must confirm that all statements above are true and correct. * Required